LSI ist umsatzstärkster Anbieter von SSD-Controllern  - Marktforschungsinstitut Forward Insights kürt LSI zum führenden Anbieter von SSD-Controllern

Die LSI Corporation  ist der weltweit führende Hersteller von Controllern für SSD-Festplatten. Nach Daten des Marktforschungsinstituts Forward Insights konnte LSI seinen Umsatz im Jahr 2012 um 38 Prozent steigern und übertrifft damit den am nächsten liegenden Mitbewerber um gut das Doppelte 

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Führungswechsel bei HP in Deutschland - Heiko Meyer wird Nachfolger von Volker Smid

Heiko Meyer leitet ab sofort als Vice President die HP Enterprise Group in Deutschland. Damit wird er Nachfolger von Volker Smid und übernimmt die Verantwortung für das HP-Geschäft mit IT-Infrastrukturlösungen für Unternehmenskunden

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Red Hat teams with industry leaders to expand Partner Ecosystem for Red Hat storage

Red Hat, Inc. has announced its collaboration with leading IT providers to deliver new capabilities for storing and managing enterprise environments with extremely heavy data workloads. Today Red Hat delivers the first set of synergistic reference architectures based on its open software-defined storage platform with CommVault, HP, Intel, and Supermicro. Customers can now quickly and confidently deploy a storage solution that leverages existing storage functionality while easily accommodating...

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Trustis protects mobile and cloud services with Thales

Thales hardware security modules provide on-demand digital certificates to government agencies on UK G-Cloud.

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Centrify delivers secure access controls for Red Hat storage

Centrify Corporation says that Centrify DirectControl has added enhanced support for Red Hat Storage, delivering Active Directory-based authentication and single sign-on for users accessing file shares on Red Hat Storage. Enterprises can now benefit from additional secure access to data stored on Red Hat Storage using native Windows protocols and leveraging Active Directory. The solution will be unveiled this week at Red Hat Summit 2013 at Centrify’s Booth No. 1012.

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AMD unleashes the power of specialized compute for the data center with new AMD EPYC processors for...
New research reveals impact of stress on behaviour, relationships and health.
Introduces purpose-built video transcoding appliances based on new Xilinx Real-Time Server...
Toshiba Electronics Europe has released its MG10-D Series, a family of air-filled conventional...
Survey reveals 92% of organizations will increase 2024 data protection spend, to achieve cyber...
With a flagship campus in Coventry, UK, the Coventry University Group operates and delivers in both...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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