Mit seinem Compellent Storage Center setzt Dell auf den Channel

Dell legt in Deutschland ein Partnerprogramm für seine High-End-Storage-Lösung Compellent Storage Center auf. Ziel ist es, das gesamte Neugeschäft ausschließlich über Partner abzuwickeln.

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Datenwachstum im Mittelstand erfordert effiziente Backup-Technologien - Neues NovaStor-Whitepaper erläutert den Einsatz von Multistreaming für Kostensenkung und kürzere Backup-Fenstern

Das Wachstum produktiver Daten durch Virtualisierung und andere Faktoren erfordert effizientere Backup-Technologien. Multistreaming, eine bisher vornehmlich dem Enterprise-Segment vorbehaltene Technik, ermöglicht die Reduktion von Backup- und Restore-Fenstern und die optimale Nutzung von Speicher-Hardware. In einem neuen Whitepaper erläutert Datensicherungsspezialist NovaStor das Konzept Multistreaming und die Vorteile für Backup und Restore

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“Big Data” Can Pose Big Challenges, and Opportunities, for Organizations

By Dr. Burt Kaliski Jr., Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Verisign.

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Coraid delivers highly scalable Ethernet Storage

With growing data volumes and a desire to move to an internal cloud computing platform, the Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) felt that its current Fibre Channel SAN offered limited flexibility while an upgrade represented a high CAPEX and OPEX burden. By turning to Coraid, LIT was able to reduce the cost of its storage upgrade by 60% while creating a platform that can easily scale in step with its immediate needs and longer-term cloud vision.

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Small to mid-sized businesses continue migration to Cloud-based business applications

Spiceworks has announced the results of a new survey highlighting how cloud-based applications are forcing small to mid-sized businesses (SMB) to balance IT requirements with employees’ needs for anytime, anywhere access to information.

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Over half of European companies have identified data protection as a priority, although firms are...
Leading industry association project 3.7% industry growth in 2020; identifies 10 trends to watch in...
Leading European-based hedge fund adds Violin flash storage platform to support massive...
The new update of the Enterprise File Fabric focuses on pandemic related feature enhancements that...
At the Innovative Data Infrastructure (IDI) Forum 2022, Huawei introduced its carrier target...
VAST Data has introduced VASTOS version 4, its Universal Storage operating system, which provides a...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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