Konsequenzen aus Späh-Affäre: Private Daten mit staatlich zertifizierten Hochsicherheitsfestplatten schützen

Die jüngste Späh-Affäre rund um die Überwachungsprogramme PRISM des US-Geheimdienstes NSA und Tempora des britischen GCHQ rücken in den Fokus, wie verletzlich die Vertraulichkeit privater Daten im digitalen Zeitalter ist

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Silver Peak kommentiert: "Netzwerke sind nicht fit für die Cloud"

Cloud Computing ist in deutschen Unternehmen "angekommen". Das bestätigen unter anderem Untersuchungen der Marktforschungsfirmen Experton Group und IDC

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N-TEC is exclusive European distributor for Ci Design server and storage products

With immediate effect, the Ismaning-based storage manufacturer, N-TEC GmbH, is taking over the exclusive distribution of server chassis and storage products from Ci Design for the European market.

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Verio Europe zeigt, worauf es bei der Erstellung mobiler Webseiten ankommt

Durch die zunehmende Nutzung von Tablets oder Smartphones zum Surfen oder beim Online-Shopping kommt kein Unternehmen mehr an einer mobilen Website vorbei. Die wichtigsten Aspekte bei der Erstellung listet Verio Europe auf

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Imation enhances RDX® Technology Portfolio

Latest version of Retrospect® backup software included with RDX docks; new RDX Media Secure software features improved user experience.

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Asigra introduces Single-Pass Backup & Recovery for Microsoft® Exchange®

Asigra Inc. has announced single-pass granular backup and recovery for Microsoft Exchange. The product update provides users with the added flexibility to recover at various levels of granularity, from single emails to complete databases. The Exchange enhancement also allows recovery operations across standalone email servers, server clusters or on virtual machines.

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Founding Members Brocade, Cisco, Dell EMC, Hitachi Data Systems (HDS), Hewlett Packard Enterprise...
New FlashArray models deliver up to 40% higher performance, 30% more inline compression to stretch...
One of the largest printing companies in the Nordic region has opted for hyperconvergence to...
Giovanni Di Filippo has joined Lenovo Data Center Group (DCG) as President, Europe Middle East and...
Bookings growth, commitment to customer success contribute to a strong Q1 in spite of economic...
Bank envisions application of quantum capabilities for priorities such as pricing and portfolio...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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