High performance and scalability for virtual backup and dedupe

Quantum Corp. has announced general availability of the DXi® V4000 virtual backup and deduplication appliance, delivering industry-leading performance at 4.9TB per hour ingest and scalability of up to 24 TB of usable capacity (360 TB logical capacity) in a single virtual instance. The DXi V4000 extends the DXi V-Series family of virtual backup appliances, continuing Quantum’s advancement of data protection technologies developed for virtualised environments, and is particularly...

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New UK/USA agreement will use high performance computing to boost economic competitiveness

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) in the USA will collaborate to expand industry’s use of supercomputing to boost economic competitiveness in the two countries. The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) and the U.S. Department of Energy jointly announced the collaborative agreement Thursday, August 29 in California, USA.

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Dimension Data expands Citrix relationship

Strong client endorsement of the move to bring more flexible and secure options for desktop, mobile and cloud computing environments.

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Hexcel Corporation wählt globale Netzwerkdienste von Level 3 zur Unterstützung des internationalen Wachstums

Der  Hersteller für hochentwickelte Verbundwerkstoffe wählt IPVPN- und Colocation-Dienste von Level 3 zur Unterstützung von 25 Standorten und 5.000 Mitarbeitern weltweit

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ParStream und bd4travel schließen strategische Partnerschaft für die Analyse von Reise- und Tourismusdaten

bd4travel unterstützt führende Tourismusunternehmen bei der Echtzeitanalyse von Kunden- und Verhaltensdaten durch den Einsatz von ParStream   

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Die Projektierung der SWM Services GmbH verlängert vorzeitig Rahmenvertrag für eProjectCare Projektraum

Die PMG Projektraum Management GmbH, ein Anbieter von intuitiv zu bedienenden Dokumentenmanagement-Lösungen auf Software-as-a-Service-Basis, konnte den Bereich Projektierung der SWM Services GmbH von seiner Projektraum-Lösung überzeugen. Die SWM Services GmbH hat ihren Rahmenvertrag für eProjectCare Projektraum vorzeitig verlängert

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Together, Portworx by Pure Storage and Red Hat OpenShift unify VMs and containers to meet...
Global technology provider Arrow Electronics launches a fully managed service to help customers...
SUSE Enterprise Storage 5.5 harnesses open source innovation without expensive proprietary hardware.
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud enables M247 to offer its customers vendor-neutral hybrid cloud solutions...
American Heart Association, Hitachi Vantara and BurstIQ bring global COVID-19 datasets to...
A turn-key cluster for AI education and applied research.
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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