Violin Memory launches Maestro Memory Services software suite

Violin Memory, Inc. has announced the availability of Violin Maestro, a comprehensive suite of Memory Services software for acceleration, tiering, migration and protection of application data in the enterprise data center. As part of Violin's expansive Enterprise Memory Software portfolio, Maestro brings the speed of memory to enterprise applications running on legacy storage while enabling a seamless transition from disk to a memory-based data center.

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Fusion-io integrates ION Data Accelerator Shared Flash with Oracle Management and Virtualisation Software

Fusion-io has announced that the Fusion ION Data Accelerator all-flash shared storage solution now features integrated support for Oracle Enterprise Manager cloud computing management software and Oracle VM Server virtualisation software. ION Data Accelerator software delivers powerful shared storage performance using industry standard server platforms and Fusion ioMemory to provide real-world acceleration for enterprise applications from leaders like Oracle, expediting business-critical...

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Maximising density and performance for VMware Horizon View™

Collaborative testing with VMware Horizon View demonstrates breakthrough virtual desktop scalability and application performance.

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Verfügbarkeit auf dem Holzweg von Dr. Rainer Doh -  Behrens-Wöhlk-Gruppe realisiert Hochverfügbarkeit mit Stratus Avance

Die Behrens-Wöhlk-Gruppe als Großhändler für Holz und Bauelemente hat für ihr Lagerverwaltungssystem an mehreren Standorten die Server-Lösung Stratus Avance implementiert. Das Unternehmen kann damit auch ohne lokale Administration den ausfallsicheren Betrieb der Server und damit die Lieferbereitschaft sicherstellen

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The Linux Foundation releases Annual Linux Development Report

“Who Writes Linux” report surfaces new data on how fast the OS is being built, who is writing the code, and what companies are sponsoring the work.

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QLogic and Dell deliver certified 10Gb Ethernet Converged Networking solutions

QLogic says that its converged network adapters (CNAs) have been certified and recommended for use with Dell Networking modular unified storage switches. The underlying QLogic Fibre Channel stack in QLogic® CNAs is proven in more than 14 million ports shipped to enterprise data centres around the world, which allows QLogic and Dell to provide pervasive interoperability with the world’s leading server platforms.

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New portfolio enables high performance multi-site backup and DR for leading enterprises.
Alfa Romeo F1 Team ORLEN is tackling its digital storage challenges head on with Seagate Lyve...
99 per cent of surveyed IT decision makers have a backup strategy in place, yet are failing to...
Significant risk of data loss due to misguided trust in service providers’ backup provisions.
Data-driven organisations must evaluate evolving requirements for backup and disaster recovery to...
Kennet School reduced the amount of money it spends on desktop PCs by 30 percent and saved...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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