GFI Software® has made a strategic technology acquisition, purchasing the online backup software company IASO. The company is based in The Netherlands. Details of the deal are not being disclosed.
Read MoreHardware purchases drive increase in spending; backup/recovery software and tablets show strong growth.
Read MoreBARD Engineering aus Emden, spezialisiert auf die Planung, Umsetzung und den Betrieb von Hochsee-Windparks, hat ein Dell Compellent Storage System mit einer Kapazität von insgesamt 120 TB implementiert
Read MoreEMC und das Lotus F1 Team haben heute bekannt gegeben, dass sie eine Partnerschaft eingehen werden. Ziel ist es, die IT-Infrastruktur zu verbessern, um den Herausforderungen des neuen Formel 1 Regelwerkes gerecht zu werden.
Read More‘Software Defined X’ (insert Storage, Network or Data centre as required) is the new buzz phrase in the cloud world and as usual, vendor after vendor is jumping on it. In the case of storage, you have ‘system’ vendors on one side looking to defend their proprietary stance whilst newer, software-only companies look to turn storage hardware into a commodity. For those with an interest in data management, it begs the question ‘will Software Defined Storage replace...
Read MoreLatest version of information availability solution provides affordable, agentless high availability, disaster recovery and anything-to-anything migration.
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