EMC stellt neue VNX-Produktreihe im Midrange-Storage auf weltweitem 24-Stunden Live-Event vor

Die EMC Corporation startet heute zusammen mit Partnern und Kunden ein 24-stündiges, weltweites Live-Event. Im Mittelpunkt stehen neue Technologien zur Beschleunigung der IT-Transformationsprozessein Unternehmen. Die mit Spannung erwartete VNX-Serie von Unified Storage Systemen wird den gesamten Midrange-Storage-Markt in Bezug auf die Leistung, Effizienz, Datensicherheit, Datenmobilität und Bedienbarkeit neu definieren

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Toshiba kündigt neue externe Festplatte mit 2 TB an

Die Storage Peripheral Division der Toshiba Europe GmbH (TEG) kündigt die neue externe Festplatte STOR.E PLUS mit 2 TB an. Mit USB 3.0 bietet sie extrem schnelle Datenübertragungen und als "Plug and Play"-Lösung ist sie einfach und schnell zu nutzen

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The University Of West Indies gets protected by Securstore’s Cloud Backup & Recovery Services

Securstore is proud to announce that the Cave Hill Campus of University of West Indies (UWI) has agreed to backup and protect their data with Securstore’s multi-award winning Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution. Established in 1948, the UWI is the largest and longest standing higher education provider in the English-speaking Caribbean. It has evolved from a fledgling college in the Caribbean island of Jamaica with 33 students to a fully-fledged University with over 45,000 students,...

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Multi-tier storage platform enables scientists to preserve, access and leverage valuable data...
Nimble Storage has announced a new set of services for its storage arrays called InfoSight™....
Tintri has announced the next generation Tintri VMstore™ T600 series, supporting twice the...
Acquisition delivers data integration, business analytics expertise, and foundational technologies...
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is implementing Quantum Scalar® i3 tape libraries on the brand-new...
Cloud computing company iomart has launched a disaster recovery service, providing a...
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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