Nach Angaben von Silver Peak, einem führenden Anbieter von Software, mit der sich Daten schnell, effizient und sicher über große Entfernungen übermitteln lassen, stufen Unternehmen das Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Daten in den kommenden zwölf Monaten als zweit wichtigste Aktivität im Bereich IT ein
Read MoreNeue Software vereinfacht den Austausch bestimmter EMC-Arrays durch HP 3PAR StoreServ
Read MoreIntraworks IT Management is a Canadian provider of information technology assistance for SMBs, particularly those located on Vancouver Island and near its headquarters in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Intraworks IT Management brings expertise and support in network installation and monitoring, technology management and consulting, help desk support, web, email, secured offsite backup solutions, and residential, commercial, institutional and telecommunication electrical and wiring services.
Read MoreBrocade has announced additional integration of the company’s storage area networking (SAN) management technology into the EMC® ViPR™ Software-Defined Storage Platform resulting in support for larger SANs within highly virtualised cloud environments.
Read MoreUnitrends Certified Recovery Suite™ sets new industry standard for unified virtual, physical, cloud, and application-level backup and disaster recovery.
Read MoreData and communications specialist partners with Zerto to deliver continuous application and file replication on an OPEX-based pricing model.
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