Confidence and confusion surround network security

While most C-Level executives are sure their infrastructure is safe, many more admit that better security will only come with enhanced visibility into the network.

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Keys and certificates 'chaos'

Venafi has released the results of its 2015 RSA Conference survey, gathered from nearly 850 IT security professionals during the week of April 20th in San Francisco. The survey data reve­als that most IT security professionals acknowledge they don’t know how to detect or remediate quickly from compromised cryptographic keys and digital certificates, the foundation of trust in our modern, digital world.

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Social media - the security risk

New study reveals that social media security is a low priority for organisations and employees are unaware of the risks

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Size, complexity and frequency of attacks continue to rise, customer infrastructure and data...
From passwords and the IoT to nation state cyber warfare and jumping mobile malware, WatchGuard...
RiskIQ has released its annual "Evil Internet Minute" security intelligence report. The report taps...
By Andrew Tang at MTI.
Dell baut sein Sicherheitsangebot weiter aus. Unternehmen können zugelassene mobile Apps nun...
A ?13.5 million innovation centre to bring industry, researchers and investors together to boost...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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