LogRhythm kommentiert: IT-Security von Kraft- und Wasserwerken ist nicht sicher

Deutsche Firmen und Einrichtungen rücken immer stärker in den Fokus von Hackern. Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) warnt seit langem vor massiver Cyber-Spionage

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25 percent of breaches go undetected for more than 24 hours

Tripwire, Inc. has announced the results of a survey conducted by Atomic Research and sponsored by Tripwire of 102 financial organizations and 151 retail organizations in the U.K., all of which process card payments. The survey results indicate that recent data breaches have had little impact on the security controls of retail and financial organisations. Of those surveyed, 35 percent said it would take as long as two to three days to detect a breach on their systems and 44 percent admitted...

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Research reveals that some “advanced” threats are actually simple to execute

Imperva Inc. has released its April Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, "The Non-Advanced Persistent Threat." The report presents an in-depth view of how some techniques attributed to so-called Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) require only basic technical skills. The report exposes simple ways that attackers are obtaining access privileges and accessing protected data by targeting weaknesses of the Microsoft NTLM protocol using nothing more than knowledge of common Windows...

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Lancope expands Global Secure Partner Programme

Secure Partner Program enables resellers to deliver in-depth network visibility and security intelligence to end users.

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Akamai Media Cloud Workflow erfüllt die MPAA-Sicherheitsanforderungen

Durch den integrierten DRM-Schutz in Studioqualität, wie ihn die Urheberrechtsvorgaben der Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) vorsehen, baut Akamai die Qualität und Skalierbarkeit bei der Auslieferung von Online-Medieninhalten weiter aus. Darüber hinaus hat Akamai ein DRM-Partnerprogramm gestartet. Die beiden ersten Mitglieder sind Irdeto, einer der Pioniere der digitalen Verschlüsselung, und BuyDRM, ein Anbieter von Digital-Rights-Management- und...

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Spirent brings vulnerability scanning and load testing on a Cloud-based platform

ArmorHub and Blitz.io make Website and Application development fun, easy and inexpensive for anyone with a web presence.

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Alert Logic Log, IDS and WAF security solutions all now available for annual subscription.
Nearly 70% of SMBs have not identified and documented cybersecurity threats.
Cyber experts and research teams warn of risks to critical infrastructure and national...
AppRiver’s Global Security Report shows business is booming for online extortionists.
Integrated solution combines BMC BladeLogic and Qualys Vulnerability Management to quickly identify...
Sophos has announced an extensive update to its award winning Unified Threat Management solution,...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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