LogRhythm kommentiert: Spotify bestätigt unautorisierten Zugriff auf IT-Systeme

Der Musik-Streamingdienst Spotify hat bestätigt, Opfer einer Cyberattacke geworden zu sein. Auf seiner Website berichtet das Unternehmen, dass es einige unautorisierte Zugriffe auf seine Systeme und internen Firmendaten aufgespürt hat

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7 Elements expands team after period of high growth

IT security testing consultants, 7 Elements, has announced the expansion of its UK wide team with the appointment of three key roles, and with the imminent recruitment of an additional two team members. The business has enjoyed growth in the last twelve months and requires an expansion of the team to meet the increasing need from the financial services and oil and gas industries.

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More than 1 in 8 IT security pros can access previous employers’ systems using old credentials

Just over 13 percent of IT security professionals admit to being able to access previous employers’ systems using their old credentials, a new survey from Lieberman Software Corporation reveals.

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Worldwide Threat Intelligence Security Services spending to exceed $1.4 billion by 2018

A consistent bombardment of unknown, targeted, and adaptive cyber threats are wreaking havoc in the enterprise and driving the expansion of threat intelligence security services (TISS) that are specifically designed to detect advanced persistent threats (APTs), advanced malware, and previously unidentified attacks. According to new research from International Data Corporation (IDC), worldwide threat intelligence security services spending will increase from $905.5 million in 2014 to more than...

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According to IDC's Europe, Middle East, and Africa Quarterly Security Appliance Tracker, 2Q14...
Cisco has introduced significant innovations to its Unified Computing System™ (UCS),...
Neustar International Security Council (NISC) research reveals the latest cybersecurity worries...
Survey reveals UK office workers do not understand basic security threats and organisations are...
2016 will be the year of cloud security and ROI, a year when CISOs finally get the recognition they...
New research from analyst firm Kable suggests that highly-publicised government targets to slash...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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