New IP, new role for CIOs?

A survey of CIOs worldwide from Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) reveals the business impact of legacy infrastructures, and highlights the need for more innovative solutions to businesses network needs. In the Brocade Global CIO Survey 2015, 75 percent of CIO respondents stated their network is an issue in achieving their organisations goals. For almost a quarter of CIO’s polled, it is a “significant” issue.

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“Transform to Better Perform” initiative focuses on data centres and the Cloud

The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organisation representing enterprise leaders, has launched a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and...

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Italtel and Exprivia partner

Agreement follows ten years of collaboration and forms a joint bid for telecom infrastructure, OSS monitoring systems and IT solutions for service providers and enterprises, with first commercial results already acquired through a number of IT contracts.

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Huawei Rotating CEO shares vision and strategy for an ICT-empowered smart nation.
72 percent of UK security leaders say procedures and controls have become more complex, according...
Dell SecureWorks now provides Server Protection Services for physical, virtual and cloud-based...
Allows companies to maintain ownership and control of encryption keys and enforce data protection...
Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company, and INTERPOL have signed a new five-year agreement to...
Despite 95 percent of CIOs expecting cyberthreats to increase over the next three years, only 65...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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