Disjointed technologies as biggest challenge facing UK IT security pros

Lack of qualified staff named second biggest challenge with user access and vulnerability management among the top headaches for overworked security teams.

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Hacks proliferate, while financial institutions bank on data protection to limit exposure in the cloud

CipherCloud has released its Q2 2015 Global Cloud Data Security Report. This quarter's report focuses on the strategies of over 50 global companies in banking, investment, wealth management and other areas of financial services used to protect sensitive data in the cloud. The takeaways provide real world tested guidance for other enterprises as they assess their options for protecting information against a potential data breach.

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Blue Coat launches Endpoint Alliance Ecosystem

Blue Coat Systems has unveiled its Alliance Ecosystem of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) partners. Blue Coat developed this ecosystem to allow actionable intelligence gathered from endpoint security solutions to be shared with the entire Blue Coat security portfolio, enhancing customers’ ability to protect, detect and respond to incidents. Founding members of the Blue Coat Endpoint Alliance Ecosystem are Bit9 + Carbon Black, Countertack, Digital Guardian, Guidance Software,...

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Centrify encourages businesses to increase their Identity and Access Management maturity to...
The EU General Data Protection Regulation is expected to be passed this year and take effect in...
VMware, Inc. has announced new virtualization, cloud management and integrated OpenStack solutions...
All parties will be signing up to the GDPR so everyone must demonstrate compliance.
Leading retailer using SureCloud solution to manage its Cyber Security governance and compliance...
Enterprise mobility and the proliferation of endpoints are driving profound changes in how...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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