Today’s business world is driven by data, enabling employees, contractors, partners and vendors to communicate. But if this data is not protected, an organisation’s reputation and finances can be damaged. Some of this data – like financials and personally identifiable information (PII) – is priceless and requires special handling to mitigate the risk of data breaches. By Paul Trulove, CPO at SailPoint.
Read MoreThe huge popularity of cloud services has seen organisations outsource applications, data and infrastructure to third party providers with the result that security perimeters have widened significantly. This has brought with it unwanted attention from cybercriminals, not only because cloud offers a potential route into corporate IT networks, but also due to the scope to evade detection from traditional security solutions. By Anurag Kahol, CTO at Bitglass.
Read MoreA physical roaring fire and a digital cyberattack might not have much in common – but these very different forces leave a similar a trail of destruction in their wake. By Pat Krupa, Head of Product and UX, SmartFrame.
Read MoreLast May marked a seismic shift in global privacy and information rights with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. In the intervening period we have seen other countries follow suit with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) scheduled for implementation in 2020 and a raft of similar regulations on the horizon across the Asia Pacific region. It’s clear that GDPR is just the opening act in a narrative that will result in a...
Read MoreThe time needed by UK organisations to recover from a data breach is increasing. Senior decision makers surveyed for NTT Security’s 2019 Risk:Value report expect recovery to take nearly 100 days on average, double the figure of a year ago. They also believe they would lose more revenue as a result of a breach, forecasting almost 13% in 2019 versus almost 10% in 2018. By Azeem Aleem, VP Consulting, NTT.
Read MoreIt doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that if security teams don’t have full visibility into their organisation’s sensitive data and where it resides, cyber attackers will take advantage. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as enterprise data and applications move to the cloud and as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and other emerging technologies are introduced, all of which give adversaries an expanding attack surface to target. By Andrew Bushby, UK director at...
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