Get chooses Proact

Get services and equipment which have been outsourced to a third party up to now are being brought back in-house. This will save money and ensure that Get’s customers can enjoy even more robust services. Proact is the company’s preferred advisor and service provider for its new strategy. Get has made a decision relating to services and equipment currently outsourced to a third-party service provider, bringing them back in-house to enhance its competitiveness and ensure greater...

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Logicalis completes IT overhaul for Birmingham City University

Logicalis has completed a comprehensive IT infrastructure overhaul for Birmingham City University. The project, which commenced in 2012, included the design and deployment of two onsite data centres, wired and wireless network for staff and students, and the rollout of Cisco Unified Communications Manager for 4000 users. The project, part of the University’s £180 million investment in new facilities, will provide an agile IT architecture to support long-term innovation and evolving...

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Datenleck bei Großbank – Kunden, Unternehmen und Regierung müssen aus dem Vorfall lernen

Am vergangenen Wochenende berichtete die britische Zeitung ‚The Mail on Sunday‘ unter Berufung auf einen anonymen Informanten, dass die Personen- und Finanzdaten von bis zu 27.000 Kunden der Großbank Barclays gestohlen wurden

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The majority (71 per cent) of business leaders are confident they can transition from a state of...
ADVA Optical Networking has significantly expanded its network functions virtualization (NFV)...
High performance appliances combined with license mobility and support for Microsoft Azure provide...
HP has been selected by DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. (Nasdaq: DWA) to deliver the technology...
With Infoblox Actionable Network Intelligence customers can automatically provision and manage...
New programs, products and solutions, including industry first global server OEM agreement for...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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