A Digital Single Market for Europe: Commission sets out 16 initiatives to make it happen

The Internet and digital technologies are transforming our world – in every walk of life and in every line of business. Europe must embrace the digital revolution and open up digital opportunities for people and businesses. How? By using the power of the EU's Single Market. Today, the European Commission has unveiled its detailed plans to create a Digital Single Market, thereby delivering on one of its top priorities.

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Over 500 Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches used for voice and data communications during...
Cisco has named NextiraOne UK as the winner of its “Best Integrated Marketing Campaign”...
Engagement includes South Africa, South America, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific.
Following many conversations with clients, partners and prospects, Rosslyn Analytics is publishing...
New facility provides expanded Managed Network, Security and Voice capabilities.
Positive outlook for CIOs as budgets accelerate their move away from maintenance spending.
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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