Custom Connect expands into new headquarters

To accommodate its growing international business, Custom Connect, the carrier-neutral provider of data communication services, has hired several experienced communications specialists. The company has also moved its global headquarters to a new Amsterdam office in the business district of IJburg.

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Interoute achieves MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 certification for Europe’s largest network

Interoute has obtained a MEF 2.0 Carrier Ethernet E-Line (EPL, EVPL) certification. The accreditation has significantly contributed to the successful worldwide deployment of Ethernet by defining industry standards, accelerating process and deployment, and lowering cost and risk variables.

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Ipswitch introduces free Network Manager’s Toolkit

Ipswitch has launched the Network Manager’s Free Toolkit which simplifies IT professionals’ daily tasks. The toolkit helps network managers and sysadmins to monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot network issues including those related to packet routing, syslog file management, and file and configuration transfer.

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Integrated, inteliPhy-ready TAP solution

R&MinteliPhy-compatible traffic access point for supervision of network and application performance.

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redIT expands Coriant edge-to-core solution

redIT has deployed the Coriant® 7100 Nano™ Packet Optical Transport Platform to enhance the resiliency and flexibility of KIO Networks' mission-critical service infrastructure. The 7100 Nano deployment builds upon a comprehensive Coriant networking solution which includes multiservice access and IP/MPLS edge router technologies. With industry-leading ROADM capabilities and support for scalable bandwidth services in a compact system design, the 7100 Nano solution enables redIT to...

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:Innovations in BYOD, SDN-enabled support, converged wired and wireless management platform.
A10 Networks says that its Thunder CGN, Thunder HVA, and AX CGN product lines received the IPv6...
Cisco IVT Certified LoadMaster operating system for Unified Computing System (UCS) enhances...
Intelligent, route-optimised IP transit creates high-performance e-commerce experience for British...
Minimizes need for signal processing in optical modules, enabling significantly lower latency,...
Brocade has announced new hardware modules and software for the Brocade® MLX® Series...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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