The growth in ‘Shadow IT’ is leaving IT departments caught between a rock and a hard...
Logicalis Group has appointed Gary Bullard as Chief Executive of Logicalis Group, with effect from...
Transmode has announced the winners of its annual partner awards. The two main awards for the...
Computacenter Recognised for: • Computacenter is EMC’s largest Pan-EMEA reseller by...
Increasing pervasiveness of wireless networks and heightened end-user expectations drive need for...
A new generation is entering the management ranks of companies worldwide, and like previous...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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