World Cup causes susbtantial traffic growth

According to the Cisco® Visual Networking Index™ Global Forecast and Service Adoption for 2013 to 2018, global Internet Protocol (IP) traffic will increase nearly three-fold over the next four years due to more Internet users and devices, faster broadband speeds and more video viewing. Global IP traffic for fixed and mobile connections is expected to reach an annual run rate of 1.6 zettabytes* – more than one and a half trillion gigabytes per year by 2018. The projected annual...

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City of Linda Loma deploys high speed fiber network with m2fx

Californian municipality reduces FTTP deployment costs by up to 76% with pushable technology and micro trenching.

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Arrow Electronics launches Solutions Station in UK

Arrow Electronics has announced the launch of its Solution Station in the UK, the new online tool designed with the goal to help the channel sell additional solutions to their customers and for vendors to promote their latest technologies. The online hub, with its unique solution finder, allows users to quickly and easily search for a technology then presents them with a list of complementary technologies available from Arrow that they can then offer clients. In addition to its search and...

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Dr. Serge Manning as wireless and mobile working group chair.
A10 Thunder ADCs integrate with Cisco ACI for rapid deployment of L4-L7 application delivery and...
NetworkIT and Simply StoreIT programs simplify technology selection for SMB customers.
Fujitsu delivers a new all-in-one platform that simplifies the creation of OpenStack-based private...
US regional carrier COMLINK has started deploying 100G Managed services using Transmode's...
Red Hat has announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 4.0....
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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