Gartner says beware of the data lake fallacy

The growing hype surrounding data lakes is causing substantial confusion in the information management space, according to Gartner, Inc. Several vendors are marketing data lakes as an essential component to capitalise on Big Data opportunities, but there is little alignment between vendors about what comprises a data lake, or how to get value from it.

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Cloudwatt deploys OpenContrail for sovereign Cloud orchestration

Juniper Networks says that Cloudwatt, a new-generation European public cloud provider, has deployed OpenContrail to improve network operation efficiency and ensure data sovereignty and security for its large-scale cloud deployment.

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Phoenix awarded Huawei Gold Enterprise Partner

Phoenix has been selected by Huawei Enterprise as a Gold Partner. Phoenix will be working strategically with Huawei to deliver network solutions and services to help drive innovative services to the market.

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Hardworking IT network professionals deserve a lot more respect and appreciation

In honour of the recent15th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day, or SysAdmin Day, Ipswitch® has released the findings of its second annual Red Shirt Survey taken recently by more than 150 systems administrators from across the UK. The survey results indicate that there¹s a lot more that can be done to appreciate, motivate and collaborate with IT pros.

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A study has found over half (57%) of business leaders do not understand the Digital Economy,...
A new International Data Corporation (IDC) study confirmed that cloud is the major disruption...
Innovative IT infrastructure and support services provider, Onyx Group, has announced the...
Service-enabling CPE-technology supports paper to digital migration via development of new,...
For the first time, the OpenStack® Summit is coming to Europe. The 10th OpenStack Summit will...
Leading vendors and Managed Service Providers to meet at summit in London next month.
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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