GreenTouch innovations to reduce energy consumption in wireline access communications networks by 46 percent

Researchers move home gateway functionalities to the cloud and redesign point-to-point optical transceivers to realize energy gains that translate into taking 1.2 million vehicles off the road.

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The increasing demand for the provision of IT and Telecoms as a managed service is revolutionising...
Richard Potter, Group Innovation Director at Steria, offers his technology predictions for 2015 and...
Infinera and Arista Networks have formed a technology alliance to deliver scalable, turn-key metro...
ICT services company Telindus has been awarded a Cisco Global Partner award for Architectural...
Capgemini to expand data and insights capabilities to meet growing market demands.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand has deployed the ADVA FSP 3000 for mission-critical storage area...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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