EMC erweitert sein Flash-Portfolio um neue leistungsfähige Lösungen

EMC kündigte heute mit der EMC Xtrem Linie eine auf Flash-Technologien basierende Produktlinie von Server- und Speicherprodukten an. Mit XtremSF erweitert EMC das Angebot an PCIe Flash-Lösungen, die die Performance von Anwendungen, Software und Arrays entscheidend verbessern. Die XtremSF PCIe-Karten stehen mit unterschiedlichen Kapazitäten in Form von eMLC (Enterprise Multi Layered Cell) und SLC (Single Layered Cell) zur Verfügung. 

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Pivotal HD – EMC stellt die weltweit leistungsstärkste Hadoop Distribution vor

EMC stellt mit Pivotal HD eine hochperformante Big-Data-Analyseplattform unter Open-Source-Lizenz vor. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Apache-Hadoop-Distribution beruht auf der nativen Integration von EMCs branchenführender Greenplum Massively-Parallel-Processing-(MPP)-Datenbank und der neuen HAWQ-Technologie, die Pivotal HD zur weltweit leistungsfähigsten Hadoop-Distribution macht. Bei Pivotal HD werden SQL-Abfragen hundertmal schneller ausgeführt als bei SQL-ähnlichen...

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Business outcomes - driving big data & analytics

At this year’s Powering the Cloud events: SNW Europe, Datacenter Technologies & Virtualization World, taking place on 29th and 30th October in Frankfurt, we will be addressing, through our Spotlight Sessions, five of the most important issues for CIOs over the next few years. In doing so we will attempt to address more than just the technology issues, rather the broader business opportunities and challenges.

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The case for Scale Out Storage

Scale-out is a new category of storage architecture that challenges the limitations associated with traditional SAN and NAS systems. The aim of scale-out storage is to provide service predictability allowing the user to grow storage resources in-line with data center demands as business needs change over time. Scale-out storage systems must therefore be able to expand but still maintain functionality and performance as they grow. By Gurdip Kalley, Head of Business Development at Solid State...

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Time for a data management revolution

There is no doubt that data management has gone through an evolutionary process, starting with a focus on straight forward backup and recovery in the 1990’s and then moving to integrated protection solutions in the 2000s. However the impact of Big Data and the move to adopt a more mobile way of working again requires a radical new approach. By Nigel Tozer, Business Development Director, EMEA, CommVault.

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Don't judge a system by its flash, judge it by its cache, says Dominik Mutterer, Field...
Purpose-built for ransomware and cloud with the industry’s most scalable platform.
SharePlex 10.1.2 enables customers to move data in near real-time to MySQL and PostgreSQL.
IBM has unveiled IBM Spectrum Storage, a new storage software portfolio designed to address data...
Capgemini to expand data and insights capabilities to meet growing market demands.
New report looks at how IoT platform needs to extend management to the network edge.
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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