EMC bringt neue VNXe-Einsteigerversion und Data-at-Rest Encryption für VNX-Produktreihe

Die EMC Corporation erweitert die VNX-Serie für hybride Speicherlösungen um neue Produkte und Funktionen. Dazu gehört das Einsteiger-Speichersystem VNXe3200, das EMC auf Grundlage der im vergangenen September eingeführten VNX-Produktreihe entwickelt hat. Es nutzt die Software EMC MCx (Multicore Optimization) und EMC FAST (Fully-Automated Storage Tiering), um die Leistung von Flash-Speicher besser auszuschöpfen. Das beschleunigt virtuelle Anwendungen und...

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HP eliminates barriers to storage modernisation

Replacing old EMC VNX and CLARiiON CX4 arrays with 3PAR StoreServ Storage is now easier than migrating to EMC VNX2.

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Orange Business Services and Sia Partners analyse new ways of working in the digital era

Orange Business Services and the consultancy Sia Partners have released a position paper which explores how the digital phenomenon fundamentally changes ways of working by impacting employees, as well as how companies interact with their clients and partners, thereby creating new opportunities. This position paper is based on a Europe-wide study – conducted in conjunction with Sia Partners and Harris Interactive – including more than 1,800 interviews with company CEOs, IT managers,...

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Assured Data Protection, the prominent IT managed services provider for cloud data protection...
Spectra Logic has introduced several enhancements to its award-winning StorCycle® Storage...
Research conducted by Dimensional Research and Virtual Instruments indicates that most...
SharePlex 10.1.2 enables customers to move data in near real-time to MySQL and PostgreSQL.
By Dave Wright, CEO, SolidFire.
Commvault data management platform paves the way for a secure cloud strategy, in one of the...
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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