Unisys complements BMC technology

Unisys Corporation continues to deepen its capabilities as a leading provider of BMC Software’s cloud-based Remedy IT Service Management (ITSM) service and solutions. Unisys currently serves more than 130 clients worldwide through its BMC Remedy ITSM platform, including such leading organizations as the American Red Cross.

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Neues Analysetool für Big Data von Juniper Networks ermöglicht intelligente Netzwerklösungen und informationsgestützte Unternehmensentscheidungen Junos Network Analytics ermöglicht Service Providern, Kosten zu reduzieren und U

Juniper Networks, der Branchenführer für Innovationen im Bereich der Netzwerktechnik, stellt Junos® Network Analytics vor. Die Suite umfasst die Produkte BizReflex und NetReflex zur Analyse von intelligenten Netzwerken und Big Data. BizReflex und NetReflex wurden von Guavus entwickelt, einem der führenden Anbieter von Analyselösungen für große Datenmengen

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Easynet-Umfrage: Unternehmensnetze arbeiten am Anschlag

In einer internationalen Umfrage, die Easynet und Ipanema in Auftrag gegeben haben, wurden 650 IT-Verantwortliche in sechs Ländern nach Problemen in Unternehmensnetzen befragt. Die Antworten zeigen, dass IT-Budgets mit den steigenden Anforderungen nicht Schritt halten, so dass die Netze häufig an der Kapazitätsgrenze operieren. 

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File sharing and the Cloud

Varonis Systems Inc. has officially launched Varonis® DatAnywhere, which extends the usability of corporate file-sharing infrastructure to enable traditional file servers and NAS devices to behave like a cloud-based service, such as Dropbox. Varonis® DatAnywhere is available for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android clients.

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BCS, the specialist services provider to the digital infrastructure industry, has appointed Russell...
Precise timing synchronisation for high-performance networks, is now improved as HUBER+SUHNER...
Concurrent Thinking and USystems are proud to announce a new partnership.
The innovative waste heat concept from Cloud&Heat is now available as an equipment option for the...
The new data centre, which forms part of NTT’s expansion into Africa, will have a capacity of...
Leading digital infrastructure companies call for industry adoption of Environmental Product...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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