Die Software Defined Storage Konferenz findet im April zum dritten Mal statt
Read MoreAs businesses increasingly embrace private, public, and hybrid clouds to cost-effectively and quickly deliver business applications and services, Cisco has announced plans to build the world’s largest global Intercloud – a network of clouds – together with a set of partners.
Read MoreResponding to increasing US and international demand for hybrid cloud hosting solutions delivered from its unified data center platform and Cloud Enabled Systems Infrastructure (CESI), Latisys has announced plans for expansion into Europe.
Read MoreDataCore, führender Anbieter von Software-definiertenStorage-Architekturen und Speichervirtualisierungssoftware, und Fujitsu, führender Hersteller von Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologie, liefern ab sofort die gemeinsam entwickelte Produktlinie ‚Fujitsu DataCore SVA’ (Storage Virtualization Appliance) an Partner und Endkunden aus. Die hoch performanten Appliances kombinieren DataCores Speichervirtualisierung SANsymphony™-V mit der fortschrittlichsten...
Read MoreSAP AG will power all its data centers and facilities globally with 100 percent renewable electricity starting in 2014. The shift will help minimise the company’s carbon footprint as it moves to a cloud business model, and will help eliminate carbon emissions caused by its customers’ systems by moving them into a green cloud.
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