Virtus Data Centres becomes the first provider of colocation to the IBM Solutions Store

Virtus has joined the IBM Solutions Store, providing Colocation options to complete the stack of offerings within the IBM Solution Store – from the data centre to the application.

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Contract signed with London Business School

Outsourcery plc has signed an agreement with London Business School to provide integrated cloud communication solutions that will be used by all of its several thousand staff and students.

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IBM licenses new ARM technology

IBM has licensed a broad range of ARM® Cortex® processors from ARM Holdings. IBM plans to offer the new microprocessors to its custom-chip clients; leading companies that build network routers, switches and the cellular base stations that enable pervasive wired and wireless communications across the globe.

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Was denken Unternehmen über die europäische Datenschutzreform?

Der Innenausschuss des EU-Parlaments hat gestern mit großer Mehrheit für die Datenschutzreform gestimmt. Mit dem vorliegenden Entwurf zu einer neuen Verordnung zum Datenschutz sollen die geltenden Datenschutzbestimmungen reformiert werden, um die Konsumenten im Netz besser zu schützen

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HP bietet Social CRM als BPO-Dienstleistung Neue Services integrieren Social-Media-Monitoring, -Betreuung und -Optimierung in bestehende CRM-Prozesse

HP unterstützt Kunden jetzt mit neuen Business-Process-Outsourcing-Dienstleistungen (BPO) für das Customer Relationship Management (CRM) per Social Media. Als technische Grundlage dienen HPs Mehrkanal-Analyse-Technologie "HP Explore" und der HP Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL, früher: Autonomy IDOL) für die Auswertung unstrukturierter Daten.

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Raxio Data Centres has secured an additional $46 million in equity funding. This significant...
Perkins continues to invest in its product range with the addition of an 18-litre engine designed...
TELEHOUSE NYIIX and The London Internet Exchange (LINX) have formed a new strategic partnership...
The surging demand for cloud computing, increased data volumes, and the widespread use of AI...
Forfront has successfully completed a major upgrade and migration of the infrastructure used to...
The telecoms leader enters the Canadian market following the acquisition of three data centres in...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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