Bestätigter Qualitätsanbieter von VMware-Schulungen  - Fast Lane erhält Premier VMware Authorized Training Center (VATC)-Status

IT-Trainingsanbieter Fast Lane hat kürzlich von Virtualisierungsspezialist VMware den höchstmöglichen Status für Trainingspartner als VMware Authorized Training Center (VATC) Premier Level Partner erworben

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HP Vertica Crane wirft Licht auf "dunkle Daten"

Neue Vertica-Analytics-Plattform vereinfacht Analyse neu aufkommender Datentypen, erhöht Sicherheit und bietet bessere Hadoop-Integration

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Neue SidePOD Schranklösung von Siemon unterstützt Kühlung und erweitert Kapazität im Rechenzentrum

Siemon, ein international führender Anbieter von Netzwerkinfrastrukturlösungen, bringt eine SidePOD™ Schranklösung mit Luftleitblech auf den Markt, die insbesondere für seitlich belüftete Aktivtechnik und End-of-Row (EoR) Konfigurationen in Rechenzentrumsanwendungen vorgesehen ist

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Burning test success for Silver Fox low smoke zero halogen tie-on cable labels

Silver Fox, leading UK manufacturer of durable labelling solutions, has successfully flame tested its Fox-Flo® Low Smoke Zero Halogen Tie-On Cable Labels against a direct competitor’s brand.

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White paper provides roadmap to a fully deployed data centre using Predictive Modelling

CBRE has recently published a white paper called “At the End of the Day – It’s Lost Capacity”. The paper outlines the use of the new ground breaking methodology developed by Future Facilities and based on predictive modelling techniques using the concept of the Virtual Facility. The Virtual Facility represents the Performance of the data centre at any point in time, Past, Present or most importantly the Future through the use of full 3 dimensional mathematical...

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Airsys UK Limited, a leading provider of innovative cooling solutions, has opened its...
Mercury Power, provider of innovative data centre solutions, has marked its 10th year in business.
Leading connectivity and data centre solutions provider in West Africa, MainOne, constructed West...
ZutaCore, a leading provider of direct-to-chip, waterless liquid cooling solutions, and NeevCloud,...
Italian weather forecaster halves the time taken to undertake simulation models.
Ducati Motor Holding to improve data security, disaster recovery plans and accelerate time to...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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