ANS Group leads the way in designing IT apprenticeships

Cloud specialists, founded by Scott Fletcher - a leading UK IT entrepreneur - are finding ways to solve the skills shortage crisis in the technology sector.

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CloudBees appoints Kohsuke Kawaguchi as Chief Technology Officer

CloudBees, Inc. has promoted Kohsuke Kawaguchi to the position of chief technology officer. Kawaguchi, the founder and current lead developer of the popular Jenkins continuous integration (CI) open source community, has served as an elite developer and architect for CloudBees since 2010. As the first chief technology officer in CloudBees’ four-year history, Kawaguchi will report to CEO Sacha Labourey and Senior Vice President of Products Steven G. Harris. He will be responsible for...

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adesso und Bosch Software Innovations unterzeichnen Partnervertrag

Der IT-Dienstleister adesso AG und die Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, das Software- und Systemhaus der Bosch-Gruppe, haben einen Solution-Partnervertrag unterzeichnet. Beide Unternehmen wollen zukünftig ihre Expertisen bündeln und Kunden gemeinsam ein breiteres Lösungsportfolio anbieten

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Höchste Auszeichnung für Partnerprogramm von Cubeware

Beim Partnerprogramm-Test von CRM- und BI-Anbietern durch Insalcon erlangt Cubeware als erster und bisher einziger BI-Anbieter fünf Sterne.

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EMC sorgt für erstklassiges Filmerlebnis auf der Berlinale 2014

Die EMC Corporation ist offizieller Partner der diesjährigen Berlinale, die vom 6. bis 16. Februar 2014 stattfindet. EMC wird entscheidende Teile der technischen Infrastruktur der internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin 2014 bereitstellen

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With the launch of the final stage, Global Switch Hong Kong becomes the largest multi customer,...
Data centres have become the very heart of the digital economy, and critical to our ever more...
Proximity's network of high-performance edge data centres will enable nLighten to establish its...
Partnership enables businesses to benefit from fast, flexible, and high-performance connectivity...
Legrand is pursuing its development with bolt-on acquisitions and is to purchase Server...
Research by DLA Piper shows Generative AI is expected to drive significant growth in the sector in...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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