Maximierung des ROI durch Virtualisierung und Konsolidierung von Rechenzentren anhand von Endbenutzer-Leistungsverwaltung von Roger Holder, EMEA Field Marketing Manager, Fluke Networks

Die effektive und kontinuierliche Verwaltung eines konsolidierten Rechenzentrums ist der Schlüssel zur Erschließung der Investitionsrentabilität. Organisationen benötigen eine Lösung, die ein Verwalten der Leistung aus der Perspektive aller Beteiligten – Geschäftsbereiche, IT und Endbenutzer – ermöglicht, um zu gewährleisten, dass das Projekt den gewünschten ROI erreicht.

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Hohe Dichte. Flexibilität. Performance.

  Die neuen RAID-Adapter der Serie 8 von Adaptec by PMC bieten dank SSD-Flashtechnologie höchste Leistung für eine komplette SAS-Storage-Lösung mit 12 Gbit/s

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Research shows ‘Content Intelligence’ is the major Big Data hurdle facing large organisations

MindMetre study reveals that, as more unstructured information than ever is being generated, drilling down into that content is seen as the key to gaining a competitive edge.

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Electricity networks for data centres

Leading multi-utility connections provider and asset owner Energetics has announced its entry to the market for designing, constructing and connecting electricity networks at data centres.

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Panduit launches the Category 6A copper cables Vari-MaTriX offering reduced size, lighter weight...
Compact floor-mounted fiber frame solution simplifies and accelerates management in high-density...
According to a newly published forecast report by Dell’Oro Group, accelerator revenues,...
Vertiv and PEM fuel cell market leader, Ballard Power Systems, have entered into a strategic...
STULZ, the global specialist for mission critical air conditioning, now owns the entire...
Colt Technology Services is first to successfully trial Cisco’s 800G ZR+ coherent pluggable...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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