Advanced wireless stand-alone data cabinet security system

The AGENT E 3000 program from EMKA offers multiple possible levels of security for stand-alone data cabinets. It is suitable for single cabinet locking and access logging or for a number of individual cabinets administered separately in a data centre where the infra-red key fob operation enables multiple authorised access and logging of identity if required – also central wireless operation is possible in conjunction with an access point module, thus enabling expansion of the system if...

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Spanish enterprises have increased their ICT investments in 2014

According to a recent survey from Kable, 32% of Spanish enterprises have increased their ICT budgets by 14% in 2014, signifying a positive trend regarding ICT investments among Spanish enterprises. In a similar vein, the percentage of respondents that have reduced their ICT budgets in 2014 has declined by 9% compared to 2013. Kable’s survey also finds that hardware investments dominate the core technology budget allocations, followed by investments in software and services in both 2013...

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CIOS struggling with online performance

Half of UK companies have a prominent online presence in international markets, yet only 36% say their Internet performance is consistently reliable, according to a new survey commissioned by Dyn, the cloud-based Internet performance company. As CIOs face increasing pressure to deliver fast reliable online services regardless of location, the statistics expose significant gaps between what customers and employees expect and what is delivered.

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Uptime Institute to certify all of CenturyLink’s 57 data centres

Uptime Institute says that CenturyLink, Inc. will be the first company to be evaluated and awarded at the global portfolio level for Management & Operations (M&O) certification. CenturyLink has pledged its commitment to data centre operational excellence by pursuing the M&O Stamp of Approval for all 57 of its global data centres.

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Ministry of Defence enhances energy efficiency

14000 tonnes of carbon reduced over 10 years and multiple MOD data centres consolidated to a single site.

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Containers running in a VM will really drive the next wave of data centre innovation. This is...
Am vergangenen Mittwoch war beim Sender ZDF Improvisation gefragt: Am frühen Morgen fiel im...
Huawei Rotating CEO shares vision and strategy for an ICT-empowered smart nation.
Energy security, infrastructure resiliency and sustainability have all become focal points for the...
451 Research has unveiled the results of its Vendor Window surveys covering Power, Cooling and...
By Christian Toon, Head of Information Risk for Europe at Iron Mountain.
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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