Dashboard helps manage IT resources

Apptio has unveiled its key IT metrics dashboard which allows enterprise CIOs to measure and manage their IT organization at a glance. Apptio’s CIO Dashboard is available through both its foundational Cost Transparency application and a newly-launched tablet application. The CIO Dashboard, introduced as a part of a series of enhancements to Apptio’s TBM suite, empowers IT leaders to track the metrics, key performance indicators and cost decision analytics they need to keep pace with...

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Basho and Cisco collaborate

Basho to demonstrate a beta framework for Riak KV running on Mesos at MesosCon.

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MapR expands customer Cloud deployment options for Hadoop with Amazon Web Services

MapR Distribution now available in AWS Marketplace for real-time, continuous workloads in the cloud.

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World’s first collaborative data centre for education and research gains momentum

In the 12 months since the first shared data centre for research and education was launched by Infinity SDC and Jisc, many of the country’s top universities, colleges and research institutions have joined to improve efficiency, decrease costs and advance collaboration on world-leading research.

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Marketing leads the way in big data analysis and integration

Big data is on the rise worldwide and it is a topic that companies can no longer ignore if they want to remain competitive in a business world that is changing faster than ever. The benefits of using data more effectively are becoming more well known to organisations as more companies are reaping the rewards of data analyses and seeing on average an 8% increase in sales and 10% cost reductions, and marketing departments are leading the charge. This is according to the results of a new study by...

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Bright Lite with IR sensor offers energy efficient lighting solution.
CommScope’s Data Centre on Demand goes beyond standard modular solution.
Enterprise data centre optimisation leader APTARE® has announced a new and exclusive...
Less than one year to go until new F-gas Regulation phase-down comes into effect.
Mid-September, and the golf world’s attention was firmly focused, not on Gleneagles and that...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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