Ospero adds CommVault to Partner Ecosystem

Cloud orchestration pioneer harnesses Simpana 10 to enhance managed backup & archiving services; gains CommVault Managed Service Provider accreditation. Ospero has announced its partnership with CommVault to enable a unique managed service capability for the entire data lifecycle from backup to archiving and disaster recovery. Enterprises harnessing the Ospero Agility Platform or Customer-Defined Datacentre will benefit from the comprehensive cloud-based feature set of CommVault’s...

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Inatech launches Inacloud

Cloud integration solution enables Businesses to create a ‘best-of-breed’ IT infrastructure, while avoiding costly ‘rip and replace’.

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To help software-based companies thrive in the age of big data and maintain high performance at...
DataCentred has become a member of the Helix Nebula Initiative – HNI. The HNI and the...
MongoDB has introduced a series of products that comprise the MongoDB Cloud platform that give...
Voyage Priv?, one of the largest luxury travel clubs in the world with over 25 million members,...
Advanced analytics supports seamless delivery of over 1 billion searches and tens of thousands of...
FICO has selected ServiceNow software-as-a-service to improve its IT operational processes and...
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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