Online Bank Boursorama turns to SoftLayer

IBM and Boursorama, a subsidiary of the Société Générale group, have signed a five-year services agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Boursorama will move its web-based IT to SoftLayer Cloud infrastructure to implement a solution that will ensure continuous business operations and rapid growth.

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Pulsant supports the arts by providing enterprise cloud to Edinburgh International Festival

The Edinburgh International Festival is an annual cultural event that brings together artists, performers, actors and audiences from all over the world. The festival lasts three weeks and transforms the city of Edinburgh into an inspired, frenetic hub of activity. One of the main tools used by attendees is the festival’s website that attracted 131,819 unique visitors in 2013 (and 184,941 overall). The site provides information regarding the programme itself, as well as on...

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IBM's Bluemix now generally available

IBM says that Bluemix, the company’s open cloud development platform, is now generally available with new services, clients and systems integrators using it to rapidly develop applications in the cloud.

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Customers can now experience 5X performance gain and drive 72% lower TCO with Informatica’s...
Cornell University will lead a five-year, $5 million project sponsored by the National Science...
TIBCO Software is providing core digital transformation solutions to boost AA Ireland’s...
Cloud, social and mobile technologies leveraged to give physicians an efficient way to access...
Engagement includes South Africa, South America, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific.
CSP becomes the first practice management software provider to lawyers to achieve certification.
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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