Shadow IT inspires a renaissance for CIOS

With 25 per cent of IT spend now outside their department, CIOs are finding new ways to add value to their organisations.

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Abiquo enables CIOs to regain control over Cloud environments

According to recent research, many CIOs are struggling to control the rise of shadow IT within their organisation, with over two thirds of business decision makers now commissioning and sourcing IT products from outside the IT department. With this problem only set to get worse over the next two years, cloud management specialist Abiquo today launched the latest version of its cloud management platform - Abiquo 3.2 - enabling CIOs and IT managers to overcome the challenges associated with...

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2015 will be make or break for G-Cloud, says Databarracks

2014 has been a breakthrough year for the G-Cloud framework according to Peter Groucutt, managing director of Databarracks. With the launch of G-Cloud 6 in February, which promises to be the most successful iteration yet, Groucutt says 2015 will be make or break for the framework.

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Cloud for Europe launches tender for Public Sector Cloud innovation

 The Cloud for Europe project announces the publication of the tender for the joint pre-commercial procurement (Joint PCP) for research and development on cloud computing services for public administrations. The purpose is to research and demonstrate solutions to overcome obstacles for the adoption of cloud computing by the public sector.

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New 4,500 m2 data centre in Madrid offers services from the ground to the cloud and across the...
TomTom Telematics, a business unit of TomTom, is the European leader in digital fleet solutions...
Data professionals are under more pressure than ever, maintaining the performance of fast-growing...
Oncore IT has renewed a three year contract with 29 Bedford Row Chambers, a London set of...
Datatec Limited has formed Mason Advisory Limited (“Mason”) within its consulting...
InTechnology has boosted its presence in the retail sector by winning a managed services and...
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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