Datacentred partners with Codethink

DataCentred t has partnered with Codethink, a specialist in advanced software engineering services. The partnership is designed to deliver multi-architecture OpenStack cloud service infrastructure for customers requiring access to specific architectures to run targeted workloads.

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DataCentred joins Linux Foundation

Membership demonstrates DataCentred's commitment to the development of open source cloud technologies and support of the open source community.

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Keep your data in the Cloud and your Business on the home ground

Cloud platforms allow secure access to data from anywhere in the world, but can the location of the platform affect your data security?

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CEU releases ‘largest-ever study of European data privacy breaches

Findings from a report released by Central European University's Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) indicate that the personal data of millions of Europeans have been compromised with 89 percent of the breaches the fault of corporations, rather than governments or other kinds of organizations. 24 percent of the Europe-specific breaches were the result of breach attacks launched from the UK, and for every 100 people living in the UK, 200 personal records have been compromised.

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UK public fears advance of internet-enabled devices amid security concerns

UK consumers fear that technology is overtaking their lives, with many increasingly concerned about the pace of change they face, according to the latest KPMG survey. Results also highlight discomfort with the greater surveillance of everyday life and a cynicism about the need for connected devices.

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Over a third of time spent ‘fire fighting’ rather than thinking about long term...
According to the new report by Allied Market Research, titled "Global Cloud Services Market...
Partnership will create four labs providing students with invaluable access to specialist...
For anyone trying to understand how the data centre and its contents (facilities and IT) needs to...
Strategic investment to accelerate development and delivery of SAP in the cloud.
New platform module provides continuous runtime application security for production and...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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