76 per cent of UK IT pros rank their security above average

SolarWinds has released the results of its Information Security Confidence Survey, which explored IT professionals' confidence in their organisations' security measures and processes. The survey found that while confidence is notably high, likely the result of several key factors, widespread adherence to security best practices is lacking and significant, damaging attacks continue, potentially indicating this confidence is a false sense of security.

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Verizon identifies key enterprise technology trends for 2015

Strategic network investments will be a major focus point for savvy CIOs in 2015, as companies seek to make sense of big data, transition to the cloud and monetize the Internet of Things (IoT), according to Verizon Enterprise Solutions’ list of top enterprise technology trends for 2015. In the coming year, enterprise organizations will also adopt technologies that drive business innovation and provide a strong platform for future growth.

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tolomy brings to market integrated secure Cloud services

Cloud Provider puts Government-class security at the heart of its commercial SPI model.

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Carrenza has been awarded a place on the UK government’s G-Cloud iii framework as an...
Investment in IT and adoption of innovative cloud services is critical to staying competitive with...
In the third annual Cisco® Global Cloud Index (2012 – 2017), Cisco forecasts that global...
Early client demand and SYMKLOUD opportunities for mobile, cable and cloud providers validates...
Dell baut sein Sicherheitsangebot weiter aus. Unternehmen können zugelassene mobile Apps nun...
Customer service is king for IT decision-makers when it comes to the key checklist of what they...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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