IPsoft nennt sechs Gründe für das Scheitern von Outsourcing-Projekten

Die generelle Nachfrage nach Outsourcing-Services ist weiterhin hoch. Nach wie vor scheitern allerdings etliche Outsourcing-Projekte. Und auch wenn sie erfolgreich durchgeführt werden, führen sie vielfach zu einer Kostenexplosion auf der Kundenseite. Die Hauptgründe dafür listet Managed-Services-Anbieter IPsoft auf

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Acronis: Zuverlässige Datensicherheit mit der Cloud für Kleinunternehmen und Heimbüros

Mit der Veröffentlichung von Acronis Small Office: Server Cloud Backup kommt eine sichere, problemlose und benutzerfreundliche Lösung für Datensicherung in die Cloud auf den Markt, die für Kleinunternehmen und Heimbüros entwickelt wurde

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Deciding when the time is right to transform your business

Len Padilla, Vice President of Product Strategy at leading global ICT service provider NTT Europe, discusses when the time is right for businesses to move to the cloud.

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Data centre-as-a service: Why the connection is King

The cloud revolution and emergence of new ‘as-a-Service’ offerings have been at the forefront of innovation over the last few years. There has however, been an equal amount of innovation around naming conventions and it has proven very easy to lose track of the many different names being given to what are often fundamentally, the same models, writes Dominic Anschutz, Head of Cloud Services at Exponential-E.

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Skyscape’s accredited platform helps Aridhia accelerate clinical research without compromising on...
Silver Peak Systems says that its cloud-ready WAN optimisation software is now available in hourly...
ISC Events, the organizer of the inaugural ISC Cloud & Big Data conference is pleased to...
Cloud specialists, founded by Scott Fletcher - a leading UK IT entrepreneur - are finding ways to...
Cloud transformation has increasingly become a key enabler for digitalization and realizing data...
  Picking a data centre can be a difficult decision. Most likely an organisation’s...
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Security considerations for private Cloud

Cybersecurity today can feel complex, especially if you are moving to or managing cloud security. But it doesn’t have to be. Hear from Rackspace Principal Architect, Luke Huckaba, as he explains some of the major concerns around Private Cloud and Security, and how Rackspace is helping to solve these issues both internally and for customers.

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