Rackspace ends formal evaluation of M&A transactions

Rackspace has ended its evaluation of alternatives that would result in Rackspace being acquired. The company declared its commitment to remain independent and also announced Taylor Rhodes as CEO to lead and drive its managed cloud strategy.

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Rackspace names Taylor Rhodes as CEO

Rackspace has named Taylor Rhodes to be the company’s chief executive officer as well as a member of the board, effective immediately. Rhodes is a Rackspace veteran who has served in a variety of leadership positions within the company since 2007, including several roles directly responsible for delivering Rackspace’s renowned Fanatical Support® to customers globally. He retains his previous role as president and remains responsible for the company’s operations worldwide....

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New offerings and leading benchmark result highlight Red Hat as a top alternative for organizations...
Rackspace® Hosting has entered into a contributor agreement with CERN openlab. During the...
Established in 1992, ramsac is a privately owned supplier of technology products and services. The...
Rackspace has named Louis M. Alterman as its new executive vice president and chief financial...
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Six Degrees is helping Fortem transition away from legacy IT infrastructure to a secure, scalable...
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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