UK IT teams are taking a staged approach with migration

Workforce management, data security and compliance, budget and cost considerations are top challenges for migrating IT workloads.

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Smart connected devices market continues to grow in Western Europe

The smart connected device (SCD) market posted another quarter of growth in Western Europe, driven mainly by increased demand for personal computers. According to figures published by International Data Corporation (IDC), PC, tablet, and smartphone shipments totaled 60.1 million units, with volume 8.6% higher compared with the same quarter a year ago. The trends seen during the previous quarter were confirmed in the third quarter of 2014: shipments of PCs continued to post an increase, with...

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The year ahead will see other industries and disciplines adopt software development technology and...
Oasis Loss Modelling Framework goes open source on global interconnection platform.
Phoenix will support IaaS, PasS, SaaS and specialist Cloud services.
SolidFire has launched Fuelled by SolidFire™, a comprehensive go-to-market program designed...
CSP re-certifies against the Cloud Industry Forum’s Code of Practice.
IT Europa and Angel Business Communications have published details of the agenda of the ninth...
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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